COVID-19 : Policies and Procedures

This will be a significant page and will take some time to finalize.  In the meantime the following is a draft of what is to come….


MISSUC Policy for playing during COVID-19:


Government Restrictions: In stage 3, league groups must be no more than 50 people

Players can be part of one league group in one team sport at a time. Participation in multiple league groups or team sports (without physical distancing during play) at the same time is not allowed. A two-week break without participation in any league group and without COVID-19 symptoms is required before switching league groups.

If a player cannot attend, subs in their place will NOT be allowed.

Within a league group, physical distancing and masks will not be required while actively playing (exception: marking distance increased to 1m). While not playing (e.g., on the sideline, half time / time outs, putting on cleats, etc.), physical distancing of 2m should be observed and masks should be worn.

We have no specific rules or policies with respect to on-person defence. We are encouraging people to respect COVID concerns, and to recognize that this is a league for fun not for glory.  If contact does occur, it is not automatically considered a defensive foul.  Every player does have the right to express their concern if they feel their teammates or their opponents are playing in a manner that they feel is unsafe. We trust the Captains will maintain a game environment where all players can feel as such.

Good sanitation and hygiene must be practised within and outside your league group.

Any spectators or family members who are not part of the league group MUST practice physical distancing and wear masks if they come to a league event. If possible, please avoid bringing spectators.

Participating in a league group increases your risk of exposure to COVID-19. The league group structure merely limits the potential for spread in case of exposure.

If you or people in your social circle are part of particularly vulnerable groups (e.g., seniors, have respiratory illness, or are immune compromised), we discourage participation in our summer league (but hope to see you in future, when it’s safer!).


Player Screening Protocols:


All players must complete the self-screening checklist prior to every game and take appropriate action as required.


If you are sick, stay home and follow Public Health Ontario’s isolation requirements. If you are unsure if you may have COVID 19, please use the Ontario self-assessment tool.


Sanitation & Hygiene Protocols:


Players may bring a disc, but these discs can only be used to warm up. Discs must be washed thoroughly with soap and water or otherwise sanitized both before and after bringing them from home.

Game discs will be sanitized regularly (start, half and conclusion of the games).

When not actively playing on the field, keep physically distant and practice good hygiene (e.g., keep 2m away on the sidelines, while cleating/de-cleating, and during warm up, half time and time outs).

Keep bags 2m apart.

No handshakes or other celebratory contact.

No sharing of water, clothing, or other equipment.

Come as ready to play as possible.

Teams should set up on opposite sidelines.

Follow all posted facility and field rules, including COVID-19 guidelines related to entry, exit, and movement flow.



Rule Modifications:


The mark must be at least 1m away (instead of a disc space) to increase physical distancing.

The mark will do a silent stall count for 1-5; and only say stalls 6-10 out loud.


In lieu of a defensive player tapping the disc to resume play, players may ask if the opponent is ready and ground tap the disc to start play.



Mississauga Ultimate Club is very concerned about ensuring the health and safety of our members, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.  We recognize that this is an exceptional time for amateur team sports.  MissUC wants to encourage anyone that feels that they should stay home, to do so.  Therefor we have developed the following policy:

If a member decides to stay home and miss a game due to any COVID related reason, MissUC will grant a credit to their account for the game missed.  The amount of the credit will depend on the league.

The member need not articulate the specific reason for missing the game, but they do need to let the league know “I missed a game for COVID related reasons”.

The following are examples of acceptable COVID related reasons for missing a game:

  • “My daughter’s friend tested positive, our family has gone for tests but we don’t have the results yet”
  • “I developed a chest cough”
  • “Our youngest child developed a fever yesterday and we are playing it safe by staying home”
  • “I heard a rumour that a player in our league may have had COVID last week, I’m nervous to play this week”
  • “My work colleague may have COVID, we are awaiting his test results”

While we aim to provide a safe environment to play ultimate in, please note that participating in a league increases your risk of exposure to COVID-19. The league structure merely limits the potential for spread in case of exposure.


If you or people in your social circle are part of particularly vulnerable groups (e.g., seniors, have a respiratory illness, or are immune compromised), we discourage participation in our summer league (but hope to see you in future, when it’s safer!).